Terms & Conditions


“IATA” is the International Air Transport Association.  IATA is a trade association of the World’s airlines.

“AFTA” Is the Australian Federation of Travel Agents.

“ATIA” Is the Australian Travel Industry Association formerly known as AFTA.

“ATAS” is the Travel Industry Accreditation scheme managed by ATIA.

We” and “Us” and “BLT” means BLT (QLD) Pty Ltd (ABN 93 010 687 733), an Australian registered company and IATA and ATAS Accredited travel agent.

You” means all clients of BLT and includes any person who acquires a Travel Product via BLT (whether or not the Booking & Advisory Services were acquired by another person on your behalf).

Booking & Advisory Services” means the services provided by us to you in assisting you to acquire Travel Products from Third Party Travel Providers and includes advisory and consulting services, making and providing a facility to enter into transactions with us and Third Party Travel Providers eg ticketing of airline reservations.

Third Party Travel Provider” means the company or person who provides you with the Travel Product on terms and conditions agreed with you.

Travel Product” means the service or product provided by a Third Party Travel Provider, for example, by an airline, a cruiseline or a hotel.

Agency Liability

BLT is a fully ATAS accredited travel agent, and member of ATIA. We arrange and book travel services and sell travel related products on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, tour and cruise operators, car hire companies and accommodation providers.  In doing so BLT gives no warranty nor makes any representation regarding the services to be supplied or the products purchased by you. Your booking will be subject to the terms and conditions of the providers of the travel services or products. You agree that if travel services or products are not supplied in accordance with your confirmed booking your remedy lies with the service provider and not with BLT.

Nothing in these terms and conditions shall be read as excluding, restricting or modifying rights under the Australian Consumer Laws, Trade Practices Act and other legislation given to consumers in relation to the supply of goods and services.

Telephone Only Bookings

If you make a booking by telephone you must provide us with all information that we require to proceed with your booking. You must also ensure that all information which you provide is accurate and that the credit or debit card you are using is your own or, subject to our agreement, if it is a third party’s you have their express authorisation to use their credit or debit card and that sufficient funds are available to cover the cost of the arrangements which you book with us.

If we accept your booking, we shall debit payment from you and send you a confirmation invoice. From this point cancellation charges will apply. Please note that a telephone booking confirmation is as firmly confirmed as if it were made/confirmed in writing immediately. As soon as you receive the confirmation, please check the details carefully and inform us immediately if anything appears to be incorrect as it may not be possible to make changes later.

Names and Titles of all Passengers

Please ensure that you advise us of correct name details for each passenger at the time of booking as names on travel documents and airline/cruise tickets must exactly match the spelling as they appear in passports.

For security planning and pre-clearance reasons, most airlines require passport details to be input into the air booking prior to ticketing.  Where this is the case we must sight your passports before travel documents can be issued. In the case where this is not possible (for example where passenger passports have not yet been issued) we will not be liable for fare/tax increases due or where incorrect information has been given to us. Nor will BLT be liable for any re-issue fees imposed by the airline or tour wholesaler should delayed issue or re-issue of documentation be required due to non-supply of passport details or incorrect name spelling.

We use the following title abbreviations for all passengers:

Mstr – Male Child (0 to 11 years inclusive)

Mr – Male (12 years and over)

Miss – Female Child (0 to 11 years inclusive)

Miss or Ms – Female (12 years and over)

Mrs – Adult Married Female where we are advised of Marital Status

Should you require us to use a different title eg Reverend, Doctor, Captain etc – please ensure we are advised of this at time of booking.

Quoted Prices

Prices and rates quoted are not guaranteed until full payment has been made.

While every effort is made to ensure that the prices quoted to you are correct, prices may fluctuate due to many factors. Deposits merely hold the reservations but do not guarantee prices until reservations are paid in full.

BLT acts only as an agent and relies on information provided to us from the suppliers of the travel services and products. We will bring to your attention any change in price made prior to you completing your booking and paying any balance due.

Many air fares, cruise fares, confirmed hotel and tour bookings are subject to strict conditions regarding amendments, cancellations and refunds. In addition most suppliers impose taxes, fees and charges. It is your responsibility to ensure the type of fare you purchase is suitable for your particular needs.

All fares and rates are subject to taxes and charges levied by both government and the travel operators themselves; in addition global fuel costs and currency exchange rates are constantly changing. Most suppliers pass on the increase in taxes and fuel surcharges without notice and whilst we will endeavour to advise you of these additional charges in advance that may not always prove possible. BLT reserves the right to pass on fuel and tax increases, levied by suppliers, without notice.


Various countries, states, towns and airports around the world and in Australia impose a variety of Security, Airport & Departure Taxes. Where applicable and possible these will be included in the cost of the ticket and will be shown in the relevant tax boxes. There may be some variations in final costs depending on exchange rate fluctuations and the number of taxes imposed at time of ticketing. Any additional costs or taxes that occur such as departure taxes payable at airports in cash will be the responsibility of the traveller.

Booking Deposit

A BLT Reservation Deposit is payable at the time the reservation is requested and is in addition to any deposits charged by the tour operator/airline or other travel supplier. The BLT Reservation Deposit is non-refundable however if you proceed with the booking the amount of the Reservation Deposit will be credited against the final amount payable. Upon cancellation, the Reservation Deposit is forfeited however in certain cases may be held in suspense for or 12 months. If the BLT Reservation Deposit is not utilised within the 12 months, it will be deemed as cancellation of a booking. In certain cases, cancellation costs may be claimed against your insurance policy.

Booking Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement of your booking request will be sent via e-mail or telephone call within 24 hours of your request being received. Payment of a deposit, final instalment or full payment must be received in line with the payment requirements of the travel service provider’s confirmation unless otherwise agreed by us the agent.  Some tickets are instant purchase which will require payment at time of booking. Failure to pay for tickets within the advised timescale will result in automatic cancellation of the booking. We accept no responsibility for loss or additional costs incurred due to automatic cancellation of your booking due to non-payment.

Payment Options

All prices quoted are based on payment by cash or direct deposit. Cheques will not be accepted for onward payment to suppliers where insufficient time exists between banking of the cheque and payment deadlines of amounts to suppliers before cheque clearance can take place nor within 10 working days of travel. Credit card payments may also be accepted however costs may vary dependent on the airline or tour operator used. If you intend to pay by credit card to obtain reward points it is essential that we are informed at the time of booking what type of credit card you wish to use so that we can ensure that the airline or tour wholesaler accepts this type of card as form of payment.

A “Credit Card Charge Authority Form” will be included with our confirmation letter, please complete the details and return it to your consultant as soon as possible. Reference is also made to the section that advises that credit card details may also be passed on to the airline or tour wholesaler to process the charge.

A merchant processing fee may be charged if the airline or tour wholesaler does not accept credit cards as payment. Similarly, the airline or tour wholesaler may also charge a processing fee. Your consultant will advise you of this


In addition to the fees and penalties charged by airlines, wholesalers & other travel suppliers, a BLT amendment fee applies.  Please ensure you are familiar with the penalties that you will incur in the event of making changes to your booking.


In addition to the fees and penalties charged by airlines, wholesalers & other travel suppliers, a BLT cancellation fee applies.  Please ensure you are familiar with the penalties that you will incur in the event of cancelling your booking.

Prior to Final Payment: If you cancel your holiday at any time you will forfeit your deposit and may also forfeit any deposits paid to third parties. After Final Payment: In addition to forfeiting your deposit you may liable for cancellation fees charged by airlines, cruise lines, hotels, sightseeing, transfers, vehicle hire services, and the like, amounting to all or a portion of monies paid. Once your holiday has commenced, no refund whatsoever is available for a cancellation after the date of commencement of the holiday package, or in respect of any itinerary item, fares, accommodation or any other service not utilised.


In circumstances where travel has been paid but is subsequently cancelled and the respective suppliers’ terms and conditions indicate that the cancelled travel arrangements are either partly or fully refundable, BLT will pursue all/any refunds due on your behalf and when refunded amounts are received by BLT these will be refunded to you.  Please note that this process can take up to 6 months.

Privacy Policy

By submitting information to BLT, you agree that BLT may use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unless you voluntarily submit information to BLT via any means including via a BLT website enquiry form or by direct mail to BLT, BLT does not collect any personal information at all. If personal information is voluntarily submitted to BLT, BLT will use it to fulfil requests for location information or sale enquiries. BLT does not otherwise sell, rent, exchange or disclose clients lists or information about its clients or website users, except to the limited extent necessary to protect the rights, property and safety of its commission, clients, or to others, or to comply with applicable law, or if it is acquired and client information or information about our website users is a transferred asset. If you prefer you may contact BLT by phone or email. This privacy policy is applicable only to information you provide to BLT or its websites. BLT is not responsible for the privacy practices of any third party sites that are linked to or from our sites. Should you have any further questions concerning this policy, please email: directors@blt.com.au

Force Majeure

BLT shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by you as a consequence of BLT or any of the suppliers being unable to perform its obligations under your contract(s) due to the unusual or unforeseeable circumstances (a “force majeure event”) beyond the control of the party affected by the force majeure event.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Queensland and Courts of Appeal from those Courts and waive any right they may have to claim that those Courts are an inconvenient forum.



“IATA” is the International Air Transport Association.  IATA is a trade association of the World’s airlines.

“AFTA” Is the Australian Federation of Travel Agents.

“ATIA” Is the Australian Travel Industry Association formerly known as AFTA.

“ATAS” is the Travel Industry Accreditation scheme managed by AFTA.

We” and “Us” and “BLT” means BLT (QLD) Pty Ltd (ABN 93 010 687 733), an Australian registered company and IATA and ATAS Accredited travel agent.

You” means all clients of BLT and includes any person who acquires a Travel Product via BLT (whether or not the Booking & Advisory Services were acquired by another person on your behalf).

Booking & Advisory Services” means the services provided by us to you in assisting you to acquire Travel Products from Third Party Travel Providers and includes advisory and consulting services, making and providing a facility to enter into transactions with us and Third Party Travel Providers eg ticketing of airline reservations.

Third Party Travel Provider” means the company or person who provides you with the Travel Product on terms and conditions agreed with you.

Travel Product” means the service or product provided by a Third Party Travel Provider, for example, by an airline, a cruiseline or a hotel.


Agency Liability

BLT is a fully ATAS accredited travel agent, and member of ATIA. We arrange and book travel services and sell travel related products on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, tour and cruise operators, car hire companies and accommodation providers.  In doing so BLT gives no warranty nor makes any representation regarding the services to be supplied or the products purchased by you. Your booking will be subject to the terms and conditions of the providers of the travel services or products. You agree that if travel services or products are not supplied in accordance with your confirmed booking your remedy lies with the service provider and not with BLT.

Nothing in these terms and conditions shall be read as excluding, restricting or modifying rights under the Australian Consumer Laws, Trade Practices Act and other legislation given to consumers in relation to the supply of goods and services.

Telephone Only Bookings

If you make a booking by telephone you must provide us with all information that we require to proceed with your booking. You must also ensure that all information which you provide is accurate and that the credit or debit card you are using is your own or, subject to our agreement, if it is a third party’s you have their express authorisation to use their credit or debit card and that sufficient funds are available to cover the cost of the arrangements which you book with us.

If we accept your booking, we shall debit payment from you and send you a confirmation invoice. From this point cancellation charges will apply. Please note that a telephone booking confirmation is as firmly confirmed as if it were made/confirmed in writing immediately. As soon as you receive the confirmation, please check the details carefully and inform us immediately if anything appears to be incorrect as it may not be possible to make changes later.

Names and Titles of all Passengers

Please ensure that you advise us of correct name details for each passenger at the time of booking as names on travel documents and airline/cruise tickets must exactly match the spelling as they appear in passports.

For security planning and pre-clearance reasons, most airlines require passport details to be input into the air booking prior to ticketing.  Where this is the case we must sight your passports before travel documents can be issued. In the case where this is not possible (for example where passenger passports have not yet been issued) we will not be liable for fare/tax increases due or where incorrect information has been given to us. Nor will BLT be liable for any re-issue fees imposed by the airline or tour wholesaler should delayed issue or re-issue of documentation be required due to non-supply of passport details or incorrect name spelling.

We use the following titles for all passengers:

Mstr – Male Child (0 to 11 years inclusive)

Mr – Male (12 years and over)

Miss – Female Child (0 to 11 years inclusive)

Miss or Ms – Female (12 years and over)

Mrs – Adult Married Female where we are advised of Marital Status

Should you require us to use a different title eg Reverend, Doctor, Captain etc – please ensure we are advised of this at time of booking.

Quoted Prices

Prices and rates quoted are not guaranteed until full payment has been made.

While every effort is made to ensure that the prices quoted to you are correct, prices may fluctuate due to many factors. Deposits merely hold the reservations but do not guarantee prices until reservations are paid in full.

BLT acts only as an agent and relies on information provided to us from the suppliers of the travel services and products. We will bring to your attention any change in price made prior to you completing your booking and paying any balance due.

Many air fares, cruise fares, confirmed hotel and tour bookings are subject to strict conditions regarding amendments, cancellations and refunds. In addition most suppliers impose taxes, fees and charges. It is your responsibility to ensure the type of fare you purchase is suitable for your particular needs.

All fares and rates are subject to taxes and charges levied by both government and the travel operators themselves; in addition global fuel costs and currency exchange rates are constantly changing. Most suppliers pass on the increase in taxes and fuel surcharges without notice and whilst we will endeavour to advise you of these additional charges in advance that may not always prove possible. BLT reserves the right to pass on fuel and tax increases, levied by suppliers, without notice.


Various countries, states, towns and airports around the world and in Australia impose a variety of Security, Airport & Departure Taxes. Where applicable and possible these will be included in the cost of the ticket and will be shown in the relevant tax boxes. There may be some variations in final costs depending on exchange rate fluctuations and the number of taxes imposed at time of ticketing. Any additional costs or taxes that occur such as departure taxes payable at airports in cash will be the responsibility of the traveller.

Booking Deposit

A BLT Reservation Deposit is payable at the time the reservation is requested and is in addition to any deposits charged by the tour operator/airline or other travel supplier. The BLT Reservation Deposit is non-refundable however if you proceed with the booking the amount of the Reservation Deposit will be credited against the final amount payable. Upon cancellation, the Reservation Deposit is forfeited however in certain cases may be held in suspense for or 12 months. If the BLT Reservation Deposit is not utilised within the 12 months, it will be deemed as cancellation of a booking. In certain cases, cancellation costs may be claimed against your insurance policy.

Booking Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement of your booking request will be sent via e-mail or telephone call within 24 hours of your request being received. Payment of a deposit, final instalment or full payment must be received in line with the payment requirements of the travel service provider’s confirmation unless otherwise agreed by us the agent.  Some tickets are instant purchase which will require payment at time of booking. Failure to pay for tickets within the advised timescale will result in automatic cancellation of the booking. We accept no responsibility for loss or additional costs incurred due to automatic cancellation of your booking due to non-payment.

Payment Options

All prices quoted are based on payment by cash or direct deposit. Cheques will not be accepted for onward payment to suppliers where insufficient time exists between banking of the cheque and payment deadlines of amounts to suppliers before cheque clearance can take place nor within 10 working days of travel. Credit card payments may also be accepted however costs may vary dependent on the airline or tour operator used. If you intend to pay by credit card to obtain reward points it is essential that we are informed at the time of booking what type of credit card you wish to use so that we can ensure that the airline or tour wholesaler accepts this type of card as form of payment.

A “Credit Card Charge Authority Form” will be included with our confirmation letter, please complete the details and return it to your consultant as soon as possible. Reference is also made to the section that advises that credit card details may also be passed on to the airline or tour wholesaler to process the charge.

A merchant processing fee may be charged if the airline or tour wholesaler does not accept credit cards as payment. Similarly, the airline or tour wholesaler may also charge a processing fee. Your consultant will advise you of this


In addition to the fees and penalties charged by airlines, wholesalers & other travel suppliers, a BLT amendment fee applies.  Please ensure you are familiar with the penalties that you will incur in the event of making changes to your booking.


In addition to the fees and penalties charged by airlines, wholesalers & other travel suppliers, a BLT cancellation fee applies.  Please ensure you are familiar with the penalties that you will incur in the event of cancelling your booking.

Prior to Final Payment: If you cancel your holiday at any time you will forfeit your deposit and may also forfeit any deposits paid to third parties. After Final Payment: In addition to forfeiting your deposit you may liable for cancellation fees charged by airlines, cruise lines, hotels, sightseeing, transfers, vehicle hire services, and the like, amounting to all or a portion of monies paid. Once your holiday has commenced, no refund whatsoever is available for a cancellation after the date of commencement of the holiday package, or in respect of any itinerary item, fares, accommodation or any other service not utilised.


In circumstances where travel has been paid but is subsequently cancelled and the respective suppliers’ terms and conditions indicate that the cancelled travel arrangements are either partly or fully refundable, BLT will pursue all/any refunds due on your behalf and when refunded amounts are received by BLT these will be refunded to you.  Please note that this process can take up to 6 months.

Privacy Policy

By submitting information to BLT, you agree that BLT may use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unless you voluntarily submit information to BLT via any means including via a BLT website enquiry form or by direct mail to BLT, BLT does not collect any personal information at all. If personal information is voluntarily submitted to BLT, BLT will use it to fulfil requests for location information or sale enquiries. BLT does not otherwise sell, rent, exchange or disclose clients lists or information about its clients or website users, except to the limited extent necessary to protect the rights, property and safety of its commission, clients, or to others, or to comply with applicable law, or if it is acquired and client information or information about our website users is a transferred asset. If you prefer you may contact BLT by phone or email. This privacy policy is applicable only to information you provide to BLT or its websites. BLT is not responsible for the privacy practices of any third party sites that are linked to or from our sites. Should you have any further questions concerning this policy, please email: directors@blt.com.au

Force Majeure

BLT shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by you as a consequence of BLT or any of the suppliers being unable to perform its obligations under your contract(s) due to the unusual or unforeseeable circumstances (a “force majeure event”) beyond the control of the party affected by the force majeure event.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Queensland and Courts of Appeal from those Courts and waive any right they may have to claim that those Courts are an inconvenient forum.



“IATA” is the International Air Transport Association.  IATA is a trade association of the World’s airlines.

“AFTA” Is the Australian Federation of Travel Agents.

“ATIA” Is the Australian Travel Industry Association formerly known as AFTA

“ATAS” is the Travel Industry Accreditation scheme managed by ATIA.

We” and “Us” and “BLT” means BLT (QLD) Pty Ltd (ABN 93 010 687 733), an Australian registered company and IATA and ATAS Accredited travel agent.

You” means all clients of BLT and includes any person who acquires a Travel Product via BLT (whether or not the Booking & Advisory Services were acquired by another person on your behalf).

Booking & Advisory Services” means the services provided by us to you in assisting you to acquire Travel Products from Third Party Travel Providers and includes advisory and consulting services, making and providing a facility to enter into transactions with us and Third Party Travel Providers eg ticketing of airline reservations.

Third Party Travel Provider” means the company or person who provides you with the Travel Product on terms and conditions agreed with you.

Travel Product” means the service or product provided by a Third Party Travel Provider, for example, by an airline, a cruiseline or a hotel.

Agency Liability

BLT is a fully ATAS accredited travel agent, and member of ATIA. We arrange and book travel services and sell travel related products on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, tour and cruise operators, car hire companies and accommodation providers.  In doing so BLT gives no warranty nor makes any representation regarding the services to be supplied or the products purchased by you. Your booking will be subject to the terms and conditions of the providers of the travel services or products. You agree that if travel services or products are not supplied in accordance with your confirmed booking your remedy lies with the service provider and not with BLT.

Nothing in these terms and conditions shall be read as excluding, restricting or modifying rights under the Australian Consumer Laws, Trade Practices Act and other legislation given to consumers in relation to the supply of goods and services.

Bookings made online

If you make a booking online you must provide us all information required in order to proceed with your booking. You must also ensure that all information which you provide is accurate and that the credit or debit card you are using is your own or, subject to our agreement, if it is a third party’s you have their express authorisation to use their credit or debit card and that sufficient funds are available to cover the cost of the arrangements which you book.

If we accept your booking, we shall debit payment from you and send you a confirmation invoice. From this point cancellation charges will apply. Please note that an online booking confirmation is as firmly confirmed as if it were made/confirmed in writing immediately. As soon as you receive the confirmation, please check the details carefully and inform us immediately if anything appears to be incorrect as it may not be possible to make changes later.

Names and Titles of all Passengers

Please ensure that you enter correct name details for each passenger at the time of booking as names on travel documents and airline tickets must exactly match the spelling as they appear in passports (or on photo ID for domestic travel)

For security planning and pre-clearance reasons on International Airline, most airlines require passport details to be input into the air booking prior to ticketing.  Where this is the case we must sight your passports before travel documents can be issued. In the case where this is not possible (for example where passenger passports have not yet been issued) we will not be liable for fare/tax increases due or where incorrect information has been given to us. Nor will BLT be liable for any re-issue fees imposed by the airline or tour wholesaler should delayed issue or re-issue of documentation be required due to non-supply of passport details or incorrect name spelling.

We use the following titles for all passengers:

Mstr – Male Child (0 to 11 years inclusive)

Mr – Male (12 years and over)

Miss – Female Child (0 to 11 years inclusive)

Ms – Female (12 years and over)

Mrs – Adult Married Female where we are advised of Marital Status

Should you require us to use a different title eg Reverend, Doctor, Captain etc – please ensure we are advised of this at time of booking.

Quoted Prices

Prices and rates quoted are not guaranteed until full payment has been made.

While every effort is made to ensure that the prices quoted to you are correct, prices may fluctuate due to many factors. Deposits merely hold the reservations but do not guarantee prices until reservations are paid in full.

BLT acts only as an agent and relies on information provided to us from the suppliers of the travel services and products. We will bring to your attention any change in price made prior to you completing your booking and paying any balance due.

Many air fares, cruise fares, confirmed hotel and tour bookings are subject to strict conditions regarding amendments, cancellations and refunds. In addition most suppliers impose taxes, fees and charges. It is your responsibility to ensure the type of fare you purchase is suitable for your particular needs.

All fares and rates are subject to taxes and charges levied by both government and the travel operators themselves; in addition global fuel costs and currency exchange rates are constantly changing. Most suppliers pass on the increase in taxes and fuel surcharges without notice and whilst we will endeavour to advise you of these additional charges in advance that may not always prove possible. BLT reserves the right to pass on fuel and tax increases, levied by suppliers, without notice.


Various countries, states, towns and airports around the world and in Australia impose a variety of Security, Airport & Departure Taxes. Where applicable and possible these will be included in the cost of the ticket and will be shown in the relevant tax boxes. There may be some variations in final costs depending on exchange rate fluctuations and the number of taxes imposed at time of ticketing. Any additional costs or taxes that occur such as departure taxes payable at airports in cash will be the responsibility of the traveller.


Booking Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement of your booking request will be sent via e-mail or telephone call within 24 hours of your request being received. Full payment must be received in line with the payment requirements of the travel service provider’s confirmation unless otherwise agreed by us the agent.  Some tickets are instant purchase which will require payment at time of booking. Failure to pay for tickets within the advised timescale will result in automatic cancellation of the booking. We accept no responsibility for loss or additional costs incurred due to automatic cancellation of your booking due to non-payment.

Payment Options

All prices quoted are based on payment by cash or direct deposit. Cheques will not be accepted for onward payment to suppliers where insufficient time exists between banking of the cheque and payment deadlines of amounts to suppliers before cheque clearance can take place nor within 10 working days of travel. Credit card payments may also be accepted however costs may vary dependent on the airline or tour operator used. If you intend to pay by credit card to obtain reward points it is essential that we are informed at the time of booking what type of credit card you wish to use so that we can ensure that the airline or tour wholesaler accepts this type of card as form of payment.

A “Credit Card Charge Authority Form” will be included with our confirmation letter, please complete the details and return it to your consultant as soon as possible. Reference is also made to the section that advises that credit card details may also be passed on to the airline or tour wholesaler to process the charge.

A merchant processing fee may be charged if the airline or tour wholesaler does not accept credit cards as payment. Similarly, the airline or tour wholesaler may also charge a processing fee. Your consultant will advise you of this


In addition to the fees and penalties charged by airlines, wholesalers & other travel suppliers, a BLT amendment fee applies.  Please ensure you are familiar with the penalties that you will incur in the event of making changes to your booking.


In addition to the fees and penalties charged by airlines, wholesalers & other travel suppliers, a BLT cancellation fee applies.  Please ensure you are familiar with the penalties that you will incur in the event of cancelling your booking.

Prior to Final Payment: If you cancel your holiday at any time you will forfeit your deposit and may also forfeit any deposits paid to third parties. After Final Payment: In addition to forfeiting your deposit you may liable for cancellation fees charged by airlines, cruise lines, hotels, sightseeing, transfers, vehicle hire services, and the like, amounting to all or a portion of monies paid. Once your holiday has commenced, no refund whatsoever is available for a cancellation after the date of commencement of the holiday package, or in respect of any itinerary item, fares, accommodation or any other service not utilised.


In circumstances where travel has been paid but is subsequently cancelled and the respective suppliers’ terms and conditions indicate that the cancelled travel arrangements are either partly or fully refundable, BLT will pursue all/any refunds due on your behalf and when refunded amounts are received by BLT these will be refunded to you.  Please note that this process can take up to 6 months.

Privacy Policy

By submitting information to BLT, you agree that BLT may use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unless you voluntarily submit information to BLT via any means including via a BLT website enquiry form or by direct mail to BLT, BLT does not collect any personal information at all. If personal information is voluntarily submitted to BLT, BLT will use it to fulfil requests for location information or sale enquiries. BLT does not otherwise sell, rent, exchange or disclose clients lists or information about its clients or website users, except to the limited extent necessary to protect the rights, property and safety of its commission, clients, or to others, or to comply with applicable law, or if it is acquired and client information or information about our website users is a transferred asset. If you prefer you may contact BLT by phone or email. This privacy policy is applicable only to information you provide to BLT or its websites. BLT is not responsible for the privacy practices of any third party sites that are linked to or from our sites. Should you have any further questions concerning this policy, please email: directors@blt.com.au

Force Majeure

BLT shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by you as a consequence of BLT or any of the suppliers being unable to perform its obligations under your contract(s) due to the unusual or unforeseeable circumstances (a “force majeure event”) beyond the control of the party affected by the force majeure event.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Queensland and Courts of Appeal from those Courts and waive any right they may have to claim that those Courts are an inconvenient forum.



Cruiseco is a buying group of specialist Retail Travel Agents. These agents specialise in promoting Cruise Holidays and are the benchmark of excellence in professional knowledge about holidays afloat.

Cruiseco Pty.Ltd. provides to your travel agent certain unique and exclusive holidays for promotion to you, their clients. It is one of these holidays that you have decided to buy, and this document is designed to clarify the conditions under which you have purchased this holiday.

Cruiseco Pty.Ltd. Is the owner of Discovery Travel Centre Pty Ltd, a licensed Travel Agency (NSW License 2TA001284) and a full member of the Travel Compensation Fund. Monies paid to Cruiseco are placed in a client account until disbursed to Principals.


Holidays provided by Cruiseco are available exclusively through member agents. They are not available either through non member agents or directly from Cruiseco Pty.Ltd.

Once you have decided on your holiday, simply ask your agent to book it with us. On confirmation of your booking, a written confirmation will be sent to your Travel Agent.

Usually an ‘option’ will be given for seven days. Sometimes if the booking is last minute or the cruise is very full the option will be for a shorter period. This will be identified at the time of booking.

Before the option expires it will be necessary for you to pay a deposit of $1,000.00 per person to secure your booking. This deposit secures your cruise berth, air seats and possibly, other arrangements held by us. Occasionally for longer or high value cruises, a larger deposit may be required that will be identified to you at the time of booking. If your booking is made within 75 days or departure, the final balance will be due immediately.

Failure to pay the deposit by the option due date, may result in the cancellation of your booking by the cruise company. This is actioned automatically by the Cruise Line’s Computer Reservations System, and is often difficult to amend or extend.


Your final payment must be received by the Shipping Company no later than 65 days prior to travel. We therefore ask that you settle your final account with your Cruiseco Travel Agent no later than 75 days before sailing. Occasionally for extended cruises this may be even earlier, but this will be identified to you at the time of booking. 

This early payment enables the Shipping Company to complete Immigration and Customs formalities with the many countries that you visit, as well as making sure that sufficient fresh foods and other stores are purchased en route for the exact amount of passengers travelling.


Shipping companies will usually wait until all passengers have finalised payment, immigration and registration formalities and completed on board passenger information forms before starting to finalise tickets. This will mean that tickets will usually be available 14 to 20 days before travel. If you are travelling extensively before your cruise starts, this may be even closer to your departure date.


Because of the extensive documentation required by your Cruise Line, it is imperative that the information that we receive is correct and exactly as per your passport. It is easy to make a mistake if you have been married since your passport insurance or you are commonly known by a first name, that is not your full name (e.g. Liz for Elizabeth, Bill for William etc.) If your airline ticket or cruise ticket has to be reissued to comply with your passport details, there are often reissue fees that will be charged to you.


In the unfortunate event that you should have to cancel your holiday, we must be notified in writing. The day that we receive this notice in writing, will be considered the date that your cancellation has been made.

Certain cancellation fees apply to your holiday if cancelled after a deposit or final payment has been made. These cancellation fees will be levied by the shipping company and, possibly, the airline and other suppliers, and will be greater the closer to your travel date that you cancel. You should check very carefully with your Travel Agent what these fees are, before you make your booking.

In addition to cancellation fees levied by Principals, Cruiseco Pty. Ltd. will charge a cancellation fee of $100.00 per person to cover the cost of our time and communication involved in the reservation and cancellation of your travel arrangements. Your Travel Agent has also invested time and costs in advising and making your reservations and you should discuss their fees with them, at the time of making your booking.

Additional fees are levied by Cruiseco on all Cruiseco chartered products, please refer to the relevant charter brochure for full terms and conditions.


It is important that you plan your holiday thoroughly before making your reservations. We understand however, that you may decide on additional or alternative arrangements after your holiday has been confirmed and deposit paid. For the first amendment to your itinerary, Cruiseco will request no charges. Second and additional itinerary changes will incur a communications fee of $25.00 per change. Before changing your itinerary, please check carefully with your Travel Agent that there are no fees being levied by Principals that may increase these costs. 

In the case of Cruiseco charter products, Cruiseco acts as the principle and additional amendment fees may be due to Cruiseco, please refer to the applicable Cruiseco charter brochure for schedule of fees.


Fly/Cruise holidays have the outstanding advantage that all your meals, entertainment and travel are inclusive, once abroad your cruise liner. However, there are also charges that are additional to your basic holiday cost and you should be informed of these, at the time of booking your holiday.

Airport Taxes – levied by airports around the world and charged as a supplementary cost on your ticket.

Port Charges – levied by the port authorities at each destination of your cruise and charged to you separately by the shipping line.

Gratuities – charged by some shipping companies as a compulsory prepaid supplement and identified separately as a supplement on your invoice.

Passports and visas.

Insurance – Please ask your Travel Agent for advice on this.

Items of a personal nature such as beverages, postage, telephone calls, shore excursions etc.

Accommodation en route – it is possible that flight schedules or availability may require you to overnight before or after your cruise, which is a supplementary cost to be borne by yourself.


Many of the components of your fly/cruise holiday are purchased in foreign currency. Fluctuations between the value of this currency and the Australian Dollar sometimes occur which require us to change the Australian Dollar conversion cost of your holiday.

At the time of sending your confirmation to your Travel Agent the Australian Dollar will be honoured, if full payment is made within seven days. At any time after this, we reserve the right to amend the cost of your holiday if currency rates fluctuate. At the time of making your final payment to your Travel Agent, you should confirm the cost of your holiday with your Travel Agent.

A cruise line may, for any reasonable cause, impose charges in addition to the fare quoted at any time prior to the date of sailing to be paid by the Passenger prior to embarkation.


Generally speaking Cruiseco only offers international holidays which are not subject to GST. If your Travel Agent is providing you with domestic travel or accommodation prior to or on the completion of your Cruiseco arrangements, these may be subject to GST and this is not included.


The airlines participating with our Fly/Cruise holidays do not, by virtue of their endorsement of our holidays, represent themselves as either contracting with any purchase of a holiday from Cruiseco or as having any other relationship with any such purchaser.


Cruiseco endeavours to make the information on this website as accurate as possible. We do, however, reserve the right to correct inaccuracies should they occur. Please note that all pricing and holiday inclusions displayed on this site are subject to change and availability at time of booking.


Please note that different payment schedules and requirements (for deposits, partial and final payments), and different cancellation policies apply to any Cruiseco charter booking. Please refer to your confirmation invoice or the Cruiseco charter brochure for more information relevant to your particular booking.